
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wii Fit Plus Review

So, I got a Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board.

I love it. I have been haveing a blast.

I also hurt my legs from playing too much in one go. Very sore mussels are very annoying. I blame the marching game and my need to have the best score possible.

I plan on trying out the yoga tonight to see if it will help the soreness and to see what it's like. But so far this has totally been worth the money. I really wish I had gotten this over the winter.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Why do I live in this city?

I hate the city I live in.

Let me try that again. I do not like the city I live in and can not stand the people that live here. There, that sounds better. I also have to say that I never wanted to move here.

My parents moved us here about 13-14 years ago. I was in high school and had to leave my few friends in California. The weather was a novelty then and I didn't know the people yet. Since then I have found the the new friends I made here were mostly assholes. I do have a few good ones but still they can be assholes. My job currently has me stuck here and I have been told by a few people that I should go back to California. One of which was my little sister who moved out of this city as fast as she could.

Since then I have seen and heard a lot.

This city is full of failing wonder. Anything nice is destroyed by the weather, government or the people that live here. The weather is pretty strait forward. There is snow and there is a lot of it. Outside of that, for a city known for it's snow they sure as hell don't know how to deal with it. I see more accidents and poor driving then I ever thought was possible for this city. At first I chalked it up to myself being a new driver but holy crap. I saw a 7 car fender bender happen because some guy was checking out another accident.

All the drivers are gawkers. If there is another accident on the road that is safely off to the side and out of the way? There will be an ungodly amount of traffic. This happened earlier this week to me. Hell, when we got the electric billboards I was stuck in traffic 2hrs because everyone slowed down to watch it. I had been in the proses of calling in late when I saw this. I was pissed, swore and apologized to my boss over the phone. Thank god he laughed it off and said "I'll see you when you get in". I think my bosses like seeing me try and calm down after getting stuck in stupid & pointless traffic.

No one will take responsibility for any of their actions.

The racist verbal abuse is just obscene. I swear if i hear one more person say a racist comment and follow it up with "but I'm not racist." I'll scream. Hell, I have called my parents racist when they have done this and told them that they disgust me. That was a fun argument and thank god they stopped. But I think they stopped less because of the argument and more because I told them they fit right in to the city now.

Everyone complains and doesn't do anything to fix the problem. And then they complain that it wasn't fixed. probably one of my biggest reasons for wanting to leave. A person can listen to this for long before one goes bat shit crazy. I started hearing this sort of thing about10 years ago and I haven't heard the end of it yet. I have tried to help but even if I can find a group to join nothing seems to happen and the group dissolves after a month. It gets depressing after the first few times.

I can't help but feel like living here is killing me. My art has suffered and I have no drive to create. My allergies have gone haywire since moving here. I think I just really need to leave.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Coworker Rage

2-17-11 I am so furious right now. A coworker that has been seriously slacking off just belittled me in front of a customer and the owner of the company.

3-4-11 He did it again. I talked with another coworker about it and came to the conclusion that I can't do anything about it.

The above are for my own records so if something ever happens at least I will have the dates to refer to. But holy crap. This guy is turning into a class A asshole. He just does not want to work and he is paid far more then me. You have no idea how much this pisses me off.

Fortunately I'm not the only one that he is doing this crap to. With luck he will shape up and stop this crap. which is a better thing then him getting fired(ha!) or him not getting fired and doing worse.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to Put a Header Image in Blogger

Go to the DESIGN tab of the page you want to change. Directly under the word Nav Bar should be the header to your blog. This will be the first box. There will be a little EDIT BUTTON to the far side for it. CLICK IT.

 Click for full image.

In the window that comes up there will be a section that says Image. This is what you need. You will have to choose if you want to up load an image or if you would like to link to one. Similar to this:

After you decide, you will have to select one of these choices:

Then you are all set. Personaly I upload my own image. Depending on what the title image is, I would select which wold work best. And there you have it. It is so easy yet at the same time it is so hard to find. This is here as much for you as it is for me.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Supporting Web Comics

I have found a lot of web comics that I like to read. I always promise myself that I will by something of theirs to help support them but never get the chance to. Usually because bills show up and take all my money.

But! I recently started advertising with Project Wonderful and found that a lot of my comics host ads for them.

So now I am hunting the sites I love for the little Project Wonderful link and bidding for ads on them when I can. It's not a lot of support but to me it feel like I'm doing something to show my support.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Shaky Arm Thing AKA The Shake Weight

Yes, I am talking about this device. They make it for both men and women. I'm sure you have seen the jokes on the internet about it.

Yes it is mock worthy, but at the same time it's kinda fun. The whole thing about me almost smacking myself in the face with it was less fun, but a good lesson. And hell, if it make my boobs perky then I'm all for it. I'll post a follow up review after I have used it some more.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Easy Exercising for Lazy People

Less traditional exercising and more slowly introducing more action into your day.

These days no one really wants to wok for anything. They want stuff to 'just happen' with the least amount of work.  An unfortunate conundrum but one that is a real problem in this day and age. But that's not what you want to hear.

To get started lets look at push-ups. This is an easy way to get yourself ready to do real push-ups. Basically your going to be doing knuckle push-ups while leaning onto the wall. Find a open section of wall in a carpeted room when you do this so you won't slip. These are very easy and if you are out of shape you can hurt your self if you do too many at once. This is a great way to get used to doing something active.

Yes these are baby steps.

Walking up stairs instead of taking the elevator. Emphasis on the walk as you don't have to be at a fast pace at all. This lets you stretch your leg mussels out. If you get winded easily doing this then start out going down the stairs while using the elevator to go up.

On this same note if you go for a stroll on your breaks this will also help you out. It's also a great way to catchup on the local gossip if you don't feel like listing to your radio or iPod.

I have a mix on my iPod for running around, driving, driving in traffic, ect.

Another bit of advice would be to have a good sized glass of water in the morning. I find that I wake up really dehydrated and that this actually helped me. Just doing this helps me loose 1lb every 2 weeks. I can't say that it will help everyone, but for me it works.

Last this, if it feels like you have stopped sweating then you need to drink some water ASAP. Dehydration can be very bad if not noticed. I think a lot of weight gain is helped by people either not drinking enough or drinking too much water.

Friday, February 25, 2011


I just found out that someone I thought was a friend and that like to hang out feel otherwise. Abit I should have realized sooner but the fact that they kept hangging out with me threw me off.

But now I know.

On the phone today when I called to see if they still wanted to go to a new restaurant and said I would pay if money was tight for them. I hadn't seen them in a while and I have done this before. They claimed that they didn't know and that we hadn't made plans last weekend. They then made an off hand comment that caught my attention. They said why can't my dad go with me and that it was pretty sad if they were my only friend to do things with. I didn't have and answer for this as I was pretty shocked that they would say that while making plans with me. I asked if they wanted to go and they said not really. I asked why not and they aid they didn't like that kind of food.

Why they didn't tell me this the first time I asked I have no idea. Not liking the food at all is kind of an important thing to let the other person know about in advance. Mostly this is what has me so pissed because I wasted most of a day last weekend waiting for them to wake up and get ready to go out.

The other thing that pissed me off is if I did do something with out mentioning to them they would get pissy because they were not invited. Needless to say I will not be going out of my way to contact them unless I have to. Holy god in glory why could I not have known this back in high school? At least I know it now.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I'm actually impressed with how many updates i have done this month. It's still a sad number but I still find it amazing. Heck, I even got one of my web comics up and running.

Stroke of Boredom

Which is all kinds of cool. :3 Yes I'm a dork and yes this is my hobby. It's little snips of what I think about and the random ideas I come up with when I have too much time to think.

And... that is all.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Customer Road Rage

Dear sweet, loving customer of mine...

Thank you for being angry at us because of company policies that are out of your/our hands because your company needs to OK additional payments so you can get to the skid of stuff they shipped here. This should not be a shock as it was dropped here three weeks ago and we have been trying to settle this with your company. Again we understand that you need the items for your job but a skid does require additional fees and yes this was explained to your company.

Which brings us to three days later... AKA last night.

Please note that your SUV is larger then my little beetle and so I was already watching you as you turned into our parking lot. I saw you had not stopped but continued towards me and at the last minuet make a U-turn and head back down the street. Thank god I didn't assume you were parking and thus didn't get hit by you. I wish the owner of the company could have seen the dirty look you gave me as you drove by. He was the one crossing the street with our HR guy as you did your crazy driving.

It was also noted in your file in case you do that to other employees in which I will look into reporting you to the police for aggressive/neglectful driving. Cars are not toys. That being said, rest assured that if you do try that again and hit me I will try and sue you.

I am so not payed enough for this.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Atkins Diet pt2

So, when deciding that you are going to try the Atkins Diet plan your meals before you start. Look up recipes and fill your fridge with enough for the week and so that when you go poking around looking for a snake you won't get tempted to grab something carb filled and pre-made.

And... That didn't last long. I had Swiss cheese and ham for lunch and I suddenly felt ill. This was my first warrning flag. My second came later that night after I got home from work. We had bacon, an assortment of cheese and the ham&cheese that I had had for lunch.

I thought about it and every time my stomach would lurch at the thought of eating more meat & cheese. Then the thought of having to do this for the next god knows how long made me almost cry.

So I made some garlic-y death ceaser salad dressing and was happy.

Oh, also? Telling my dad that I only agreed to the Atkins Diet to 'shut my mom up' was not a good idea. In my defense this happened before I finished making my salad.

Now, I understand that this would only have been for a few weeks and such but it just isn't for me. I know it works for my mom and other people though so it is worth a try.

Personally I hate diets. I'm happy with how I look because I know that my lack of exercise if the problem. Which is easy for me to fix when it stops snowing. I also have the tools to work indoors but I get board with this. I'm going to be getting a collapsible bike when I get my taxes back. Mostly because it'll fit in my car and I can ride it after work. Also to bring it to NYC when I visit my sister.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Atkins Diet

I'm going to give it a try Monday. My mom has been nagging me but I also want to try it. Which sucks because I just got some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and other tasty carb filled goodies.

Also, my will power is not so good.

but if it works then I can go down a pant size and be all happy. I hope I don't loose anything in the top department but alas I hear that is the first to go. How ever getting to snack on bacon any time I want and not have to feel guilty? Total win.

Lets see how long I'll stick with this.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yee Old Diet

Yeah... It's not pretty and it doesn't really work if your not running around like a little kid. I would love to know when I got so shy that I wouldn't even go out side and ride my bike. True my bike is bright neon pink, but still.... If I could ride it al la goth then I should be fine on it now right?

Yeah... next I should sell that bridge in Brooklyn that I have a share in...

I'm not on a diet per say. I watch what I eat but I still enjoy my self. My parents seem to think that they need to intervene on my behalf on almost a daily biases. I'm 28 and they act as if I'm an infant. I am to the point that I might just start swearing a blue streak at them each time they ask to see if they will just stop bothering. I don't think it will work though, I already rant at them for an hour after they nag me.

But the diet...

Two small pieces of bread with peanut butter, a slice of pizza/small sandwich/ cup of soup/sushi for lunch, a small snack, scrambled eggs/steak/something for dinner and then bed. it's defiantly not all that interesting but it seems to be working. my weight actually stayed stable during the holiday food fest so that made me happy.

I just hope that when I do add more activities to my day my hunger won't skyrocket like it usually does. Because that is such a pain. :-(

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Zumba Wii Review pt2

I'm having tons of fun with this. And two things have become painfully odvious to me.

The first is that Zumba is very hard on the ankles. I had no idea how much the dancing would rely on my anckles and ouch. They don't hurt today and didn't hurt after I rested yesterday so I know it's mostly me bing out of shape. But still, ouch.

The second thing is there is only a 20min beginner selection. I would have preferred a 10 min introduction work out. I spent most of my time streching my sore legs and remembering how to breath. Again my own fault, but a 10min selection would have been nice.

Also, a warm up and stretch training would have been nice. They have a cooling off section that didn't realy register on the belt too well. and i feel my whole breathing and most of my musil pains would have been helped but a 5min warm up.

Over all I still love it. It'll be a cold day in hell before I prance around in front of my family, but I love the game.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Amber Alert

While the Amber Alert system was created due to a horrible tragedy, I really love to hear about when it works.

Today driving to work I passed one of our message signs and saw the Amber Alert. Just now my manager says they found the missing child because someone reconnised the car.

The Amber Alert is a fabulous system and I hope it will be continued to be used.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Zumba Wii Review

So, I requested the Zumba work out game for the Wii this holiday season. My mom can't follow it's onscrean directions to save her life (this is extreamly amusing btw) and my cousen started screaming at her husband for video taping her after she said to dance like you don't care.

The set up is very easy. Make a profile, strap the belt on, select your routine, select your profile and then slip the controller into the belt and away you go!

Keep in mind that you need a lot of space for this. At least 5 feet on each side so you don't walk into things/people/walls. and enugh space to back up about 5 feet as well. This is not like Dance Dance Revolution were you are on a designated area and just that area. This is real dancing.

I haven't had a chance to test out the mulity player options but it looks to be a good amount of fun. Again the space needed might make things difficult but no pain no gain. This could make for great Youtube videos.

The routines and training seem to run around 20 min each. You also have the option to unlock new areas and such. The down side is you can only have 4 or 6 profiles.

Over all I am loving it so far.