
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Free Money Blogging What?

 Blogging for money. It's wonderful! It's easy! It's a total P.I.T.A. and a long term commitment not unlike getting a mortgage with bad credit.

Anyone that has tried it & dropped it in short order can tell you that. They will also, more than likely, give you a list of reasons why they believe it's a load of pleasantries. Possibly even that it was just too much work.
Chances are what they haven't said was how long they attempted this. What they decided to write about. How often they posted. How much they spent on advertising. Or how much they invested into their 'free money through blogging' attempt. Because heaven for bid someone has to work for their money right?
While understanding that this whole topic can be seen as taboo, it's actually fairly interesting once you can get past the 'get rich quick' mentality.

Prior to even looking into the how-to you need to think if it would really be worth your time. Writing takes a fair amount of time depending on the person and on the subject. At some point you will find your self revisiting ideas. It could be that you might have wanted to expand upon some but didn't have the chance to. Also at some point you will start to find yourself wondering what to write about next. This is when the time factor comes into play and you hear the phrase 'time is money'.

Assuming you can handle putting out the time to write, you then get to start spending time figuring out how to get started.

If you Google for help you should be weary in what you search for. There are and will always be sites that would like you to pay for their help. If you skip them and keep looking you can and will find free help. Free, keep this in mind because this is also the time when money starts to enter into this whole deal.
An excellent article to help someone get started is How to make money with a blog 'How to make money with a blog' by Bob. Pretty much this advice article that has almost every bit of information that someone starting out could want. After which the more technical articles that can be found about the internet will start to make more sense to people who are just starting out.

If after you read everything you can, and have started investing your time, you might start to think about all the cost's involved with this. Spending money to make money as the saying goes. This is were learning the in&out to networking can and will be your godsend. Because if you already have a presence or persona on the internet and you have no problem with them being connected to you blog then you are good to go. Networking is the fabled goose that lays the golden egg.

It takes time, energy and research for the portion of us not lucky enough to come by the skill naturally. Yet if you can find that one person that can open many doors for you with out actually meaning to? Then your goose has found you.

But if you are someone who want's to keep your blogging separate from the rest of your internet life or normal job then this might not be the thing for you. Everything on the internet is remembered forever and once you post something it's too late to take it back. The stories about jobs looking at Facebook pages are reason enough to be weary of what you share.

Alternatively, if this all rolls off you like water off a ducks back? Then you may have found a niche for your skills. Anything can pay off if you put enough time into it. If you think or treat blogging as a small business then remember that the first year is going to be your hardest. Once you get past that? The sky is the limit.

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